All Glass Food Storage Containers with Glass Lids
Why to use all glass food storage containers and what shapes are available.

The advantages of storing food in glass containers are:
- Glass does not leach chemicals into your food, as plastics do (Bisphenol A BPA or others). This is a major advantage to people concerned about healthy living.
- Glass is easy to clean as it has a very smooth surface
- The life expectancy of glass items is very long and can last a lifetime handled carefully
But glass food storage boxes are difficult to find nowadays. Most storage containers are made of plastic. And if the body is made of glass, then almost always the lid is made of plastic.
Most glass containers are kind of jar shaped nowadays.

For space efficient storage in the fridge, a rectangle or square size is better. Is also easier to use for everyday food leftovers than bulky jars.
Anchor Hooking used to sell them. But I have not found them on their website as of 2019. Some retailers still sell them online. The product goes under the name “Anchor Hocking Bake And Store Dish” or “Bake ‘N’ Store”. They also sold them with silicon around the glass lid (you can probably just remove the silicon if you want). Below is what they look like:

A lid is important, so no insects and dust can get to your food. It is also important to contain the smell your food might evaporate.
An alternative to glass lids can be stainless steel lids. But they are also prone to release small amounts of metal into your food. If the food does not touch the metal lid – maybe.
The easiest to find a seller for are probably jars.
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