Lined vs Unlined Leather: The Difference
What the difference between lined and unlined leather is.

Lining means that there is additional fabric attached to the inside of the leather.
The picture below shows a jacked that has cotton fabric on the inside. It is, therefore, a lined jacket.

The two pictures below show an unlined leather shoe (first) and a lined one (second).

The advantage of lining is that:
- it expands the lifespan of the product,
- can give additional insulation,
- can be made out of material that has a cushioning effect,
- etc.
The advantages of unlined leather:
- lighter,
- cheaper,
- airier and cooler,
- may feel good on direct skin contact,
- etc.
Leather itself is sometimes used for lining. It is then an outside fabric and leather as lining. What one calls a leather product that is lined with leader again - who knows?
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